Questions and Answers
- How do I account for budgeted outgoings?
- Does EZLease support cost center allocation?
- What interest rate is used in EZLease accounting reports?
- Does EZLease backup customer data?
- Why is the Disclosures report only picking up the capitalization of my operating lease and not the termination?
- Why are my total debits and credits different when running a Journal Entries report for 1 fiscal year versus 12 fiscal periods?
- How do I account for a difference in rent required versus rent paid?
- Can I access EZLease data via an API or SQL connection?
- Is there a field in the bulk upload template where I can enter the lease start date and term, and have the system create the end date?
- Since AWS is a subservice of EZLease, can you provide the AWS SOC 1 report?
- How do I print reports and attachments?
- Webinar & CPE FAQs
- My gross rent is different than actual rent paid. How do I account for this in EZLease?
- How do I add lease documentation (e.g. contracts) into EZLease?
- Why do I see an Accrued Interest balance each month? (IFRS 16)
- Can I change an accumulated depreciation balance for a lease, without changing the ROU balance?
- Why don't finance leases have level rent like operating leases?
- FAQ: How do I set up a lease incentive in EZLease?
- How can I access and track my support tickets?
- Why can't I log into EZLease using the temporary password from my welcome email?
- Why can't I sign-in to EZLease with my 'Success Center' credentials? Do I need a password reset?
- Why am I unable to click on certain report options when attempting to run a report?
- How many users can the EZLease software handle at the same time before seeing a drop in performance?
- If multiple users can access the EZLease software at the same time, do they all have the right to modify and edit?
- Can multiple users access EZLease at the same time?
- What's the difference between a lease incentive and initial direct costs (IDC)?
- Cloud Migration FAQs
- Does EZLease adjust for 4-4-5 calendars?
- Searching Zendesk
- When I enter a two-digit year, EZLease says the date is not in the proper range of dates even though it is. Why?