Files, such as reports, bulk import templates, and files to be attached on lease records, are located within the “My Files” icon, at the top of the EZLease application.
It’s important to note that all documents stored within My Files are specific to each user, and not stored across the application for all users to access. After clicking on the folder icon, the My Files workspace will appear.
By default, there are two folders - "Home Folder" and "Temporary Files:"
- Home Folder - This is where files can be stored for long-term usage by the user. Files stay in the Home folder until they are manually deleted by the user.
- Temporary Files - This folder is designed to store files that can be used in transit, between your computer or shared drives and the EZLease application. These files are not kept long-term - the folder is purged when you end your session in EZLease.
Once you click into one of the two folders (or any additional ones you may create), you'll have the ability to create sub-folders and upload files. This is done by selecting the Create Folder button or the Upload File(s) button, which are located at the top of the window:
Creating a new folder
To create a folder, click on the Create Folder button and enter a name for the folder. Hit Enter on your keyboard or click the blue checkmark for EZLease to save the new folder.
Note: You must hit the “Enter” button. If you don’t hit “Enter”, your new folder will not be created.
Uploading files
To upload a file, click on the Upload File(s) button. An open dialog box will appear where you can select the file you wish to upload. Click the Open button. This file will now appear in the folder and can be accessed via My Files.
Renaming or downloading files
When you click the down-arrow to the right of the filename, you'll be presented with the options to rename or download your file.
To rename a file, click the down-arrow to the right of the filename and select the Rename button. Highlight the old name, type over with the new file name, (make sure you keep the file extension in the file name) and then hit Enter on your keyboard to save the new name.
If you need to view a file, you must first download it. This can be done one of two ways: 1) By clicking the down-arrow to the right of the filename and selecting the download button, or 2) Click on the blue name link of the file which you’d like to download. The file will then download to the location set up in your browser settings.
Related Links
Video: Using My Files | Managing Lease Attachments | File Management | Video: Attachments