Yes! Once every 5-6 years (depending on how leap years fall), these [4-4-5] calendars end up with a 53rd week. In EZLease, this week is automatically added to the last fiscal period of the year.
Here is how it works:
The user sets up the fiscal year to indicate when it ends, such as the last Saturday of December. Once every 5-6 years (depending on how leap years fall), you end up with a 53rd week, which is automatically added to the last fiscal period of the year.
The System Options Fiscal Dates tab displays the next 5 fiscal year ends, so you can confirm that the dates are set the way you want. And you can see the dates for each individual period, after you've set the fiscal dates, by setting up a report, choosing Fiscal Dates, and selecting the period number; the begin & end dates of the period are displayed in the setup window.