You may enter variable lease payments by uploading an Excel spreadsheet. (Using an XML spreadsheet is permitted, but you must have Excel installed on your computer.) To do this, use the Variable Lease Payments Upload. The spreadsheet must be in the following form:
- Column A: Lease number
- Column B: First payment date
- Column C: Last payment date (if blank, treated as single payment)
- Columns D-J: Variable lease payments paid:
- D: CPI
- E: Excess Usage
- F: Maintenance
- G: Percent of Sales
- H: Taxes
- I: Variable Payment #1
- J: Variable Payment #2
If the date specified for the variable lease payment matches a scheduled rent payment date, you can specify whether the new variable payment should replace the existing amount, be added, or generate an error. If the date specified for the variable lease payment does not match a scheduled rent payment date, EZLease can automatically adjust the variable lease payment date to match a scheduled rent date; you can specify how close the dates must be for a match. If there is a larger difference, you can specify whether the variable lease payment should be treated as a separate payment, if it should be rejected as an error, or if EZLease should ask you for each occurrence how to treat it.
If you specify a first and last payment date, EZLease creates a variable lease payment for each payment period of the current rent step. (Thus, if the rent step for that date is quarterly, a variable lease payment is created every three months for the period specified.) If the date is after the end date of the lease (for use with month to month leases), the payment period for creating multiple payments is considered to be monthly.
Blank lines at the top of the spreadsheet, and any columns beyond column D, are ignored. The first line can have headers, or start immediately with valid data. Once EZLease reaches a blank line after data has started, the upload is considered complete.
A template for an upload file is stored in your EZLease installation folder, named “Variable lease payment upload template.xls”, which you can use for uploads.
See also
Variable Lease Payments