Optional; found on the Additional data tab.
In almost all cases, you should let EZLease determine the right-of-use asset value for finance leases. For FAS 13/IAS 17 reporting, this (also called gross asset) is normally the same as the initial liability (the present value of the rents). However, in certain business combinations (those treated as an acquisition), the right-of-use asset for the lease is assigned, and is completely independent of the liability. In that case, check this box and enter the appropriate right-of-use asset. We recommend that you not use this for ordinary finance leases, even if you think you know the appropriate asset value; instead, let EZLease calculate it as part of the classification process.
For ASC 842/IFRS 16/GASB 87 reporting, the right-of-use asset is the initial liability, plus any rent payment made on or before the first day of the lease, plus any initial direct costs, minus any lease incentives. It is best to record the individual amounts and have EZLease calculate the resulting asset rather than calculating it yourself.
When the Specified Right-of-Use Asset box is checked, you'll see an "Addition Loss" (if the asset is smaller than the liability) or "Addition Gain" (if the asset is larger than the liability). The addition loss/gain is the difference between the specified ROU asset and initial liability.
Related links:
Calculating ROU & Initial liability | Right-of-Use Asset