The Income Statement/Balance Sheet Detail report shows more information than often is needed for booking your regular periodic activity. The compact report shows essential IS/BS information in a more concise form. To keep the report as compact as possible, output is generated in landscape format.
See IS/BS Report Options for setup choices for this report.
For all balance sheet accounts, the period end balance is shown. Activity for the period is listed for each income statement account. Finance leases have two lines of information per period; operating leases have just one line of information. If you run a report for more than one period, a total for all periods is listed, showing the final balance sheet balances and the income statement activity for all periods. See the Income Statement/Balance Sheet Detail report help topic for details on the meaning of the different accounts.
To keep the display more compact, the maximum amount that can be shown in any account (detail or totals) is 999 million, except for the right-of-use asset, which displays totals up to 9.999 billion. Spreadsheet output has no maximum. In addition, the gain/loss accounts for additions and terminations are combined.
Future minimum rent and ARO information are not displayed on this report, unlike the Detail report.
Spreadsheet output
If you create spreadsheet output for this report, all the same accounts are displayed. In addition, if you have entered account numbers for the lease (and you have chosen to output account numbers in System Options/Account Numbers), those are output at the end of each line.