You may report each ARO individually, or combine all AROs for a lease.
This report has two similar tabs. The first tab shows the roll forward for ARO (liability), the second for ARC (asset). The ARO tab lists the lease number (and ARO item type, if you have chosen to report them individually), and shows the balance at the beginning of the period, total additions, accretion expense, terminations, and revision of estimates, to arrive at the ending balance. A second column for the ending balance lists any ARO that reaches maturity in the next 12 months. If an ARO is assigned a normal termination, the liability is booked to Settlement Provision. At the end of the report, a five-year projection shows the expected maturities of all AROs, detailing the present liability by maturity year, the undiscounted future values at maturity, and the number of active AROs. (The number of years is the same as the Number of separate years in future rent commitment report in System Options.)
The ARC tab is similar, but it separates the ARC cost (the initial value booked for the ARO) and accumulated depreciation for the beginning balance, additions, terminations, and ending balance. For the period, it shows depreciation and revision of estimates.
See also
ARO Accretion Tables Report
Your report title
Enter any title you want to give to the report. The type of report is always displayed at the top left corner; you can use this title to describe the report (such as “Period 2, Midwest Division”).
Type of leases to use
You may limit the report to just the capital leases, just the operating leases, or use both (the default). This option is not displayed for reports that include only capital or only operating leases. If a lease is part-capital, part-operating, the appropriate portion is included if you choose one or the other.
ARO Details
You may get AROs combined by lease, or listed individually.
Group of leases to use
You may choose All leases, a Group of leases starting with the same character(s), or a Single lease. If you choose Single lease, a popup displays the leases in the file; choose the one you want. If you choose Group, you are prompted for the beginning character(s) to search for.
Output to
You can create a text report that displays on the screen (and which can then be exported in HTML, PDF, Rich Text Format (.rtf), Microsoft Word® (.doc), Microsoft Excel® (.xls), and Crystal Reports (.rpt) formats). Please note that the Excel output exported from a text report is laid out the same way as the text report, which is generally not well-suited for sorting and otherwise manipulating the data inside Excel. If you export a text report, please wait for the “Export completed successfully” message to display before continuing with EZLease.
You can also create spreadsheet output. This is specifically designed to manipulate inside a spreadsheet program; each account of a journal entries transaction is displayed on a single line, so you can select, sort, and sum results. The same information is provided as on the text report, but the layout is considerably different to facilitate data manipulation. If you select spreadsheet output, you are prompted to specify an output filename.
In System Options, you can select whether the spreadsheet output should be generated as an Excel .xls file, or as an XML-format spreadsheet. Output in Excel format requires that you have a licensed copy of Excel on your computer.
Starting date
Enter the beginning day of the first period of the report.
Ending dates
Select Fixed if you want one or more whole calendar periods: months, quarters (3 months), years, or 28-day periods. Select Variable if you want to enter each report end date.
If you choose Fixed, select which type of period (months, quarters, years, or 28-day periods) and how many of those periods you want. The end date of the last report period is automatically calculated and displayed. The default is 1 month. You may enter up to 999 periods.
If you choose Variable, you may enter any number of end dates. If you wish to enter more than one date, press Enter once you have completed a date entry, and another date appears. Dates are immediately sorted if you enter a new date that is earlier than the previous date. To delete a date, click on it to highlight it, then press Delete.
Special options
Click this button to get a secondary screen which allows you to select special groups of leases.