EZLease uses named pipes to connect to the SQL Server instance, so please be sure those are enabled. It uses default ports for connections (TCP 1433 and UDP 1434). Note that SQL Server Express, should you use that edition, does not enable TCP connections by default; you may need to enable them and set the correct port using SQL Server Configuration Manager.
If permission to create SQL Server databases is limited to non-users of EZLease (such as a database administrator in your IT department), they need to create the account number groups database as well as at least one EZLease lease database when the application is first installed. The scripts to create these databases are found in the Sysdata subfolder of the EZLease installation folder (by default, C:\ Program Files\LeaseAccelerator\EZLease\Sysdata). If you have not yet installed EZLease, you can get a zip archive of the SQL scripts from our website, ezlease.net/software-update, Software Updates page, where you also download the full installation file.
To create the account number groups database, execute Create ANGroup.sql (for the Lessor Edition, use Create ANGroup LR.sql).
To create an EZLease lease database using SSMS, first create a shell database (with no structure) with whatever name you prefer (CREATE DATABASE mydatabase), USE that database, then execute Create EZLease db std.sql. If you have purchased the ARO (Asset Retirement Obligations) module, follow this by executing Create EZLease db ARO.sql to create the additional ARO tables needed.
Any user of EZLease needs read permission (db_datareader role) to the account number groups database and to the database(s) they are to use. Those who should be able to make changes need the db_datawriter role as well. If a user of EZLease is given the db_owner role for the account number groups database and each lease database be a user of EZLease, that person can then grant permission to other users from within EZLease (see below) as well as update the database structure when major new versions are released. Alternatively, a lead user of EZLease can be given the role db_securityadmin, which enables granting permissions to other users but does not permit making changes to the database structure. Structure changes would then be the accomplished using scripts in SSMS.
See also
SQL Server usage