The listing report displays all the information you have entered for a lease, as well as classification results. If you have multiple revisions for a lease (and have chosen to display them), the financial information that changes with each revision is listed first. Following all the revision information, the descriptive information and other information that is the same for all revisions (such as variable lease payments and notice dates) is listed.
Note: Unlike most reports, the listing report by default displays only the final revision. To display all revisions, go to Special Options and change Use Revisions from Final to All.
The report also gives you the ability to include attachments from leases; however, please note that attachments may be distorted because the report writer is unable to adjust for attachments of differing sizes. If you need the attachments in better quality, go to the Descriptive tab of the individual lease record, click View/change attachments, and then download and print the file to your computer.
Report options
Report title | Enter any title you want to give to the report. The type of report is always displayed at the top left corner; you can use this title to describe the report |
Type of leases to use |
You may limit the report to just the finance leases, just the operating leases, or use both (the default). |
Group of leases to use |
You may choose All leases, a Group of leases starting with the same character(s), or a Single lease. If you choose Single lease, a popup displays the leases in the file; choose the one you want. If you choose Group, you are prompted for the beginning character(s) to search for. This search is case-sensitive; if you want a case- insensitive match, use the Special Options lease number selection option. Other groups can also be selected in Special Options. |
Output to |
Preview/PDF You can create a text report that displays on the screen (and which can then be exported in HTML, PDF, Rich Text Format (.rtf), Microsoft Word® (.doc), Microsoft Excel® (.xls or .xlsx), and Crystal Reports (.rpt) formats). Please note that the Excel output exported from a text report is laid out the same way as the text report, which is generally not well-suited for sorting and otherwise manipulating the data inside Excel. If you export a text report, please wait for the “Export completed successfully” message to display before continuing with EZLease. If you have several hundred or more leases, text reports can take a long time to display; EZLease warns you if your report is likely to be more than 500 pages. Spreadsheet (.xlsx) You can also create spreadsheet output. This is specifically designed to manipulate inside a spreadsheet program; a lease (or report period) is displayed on a single line, so you can select, sort, and sum results. The same information is provided as on the text report, but the layout is considerably different to facilitate data manipulation. As a general rule, the spreadsheet format includes all the fields shown in the text layout, as well as all primary descriptive fields if you have chosen the “Descriptive fields in all spreadsheet output” System Option; any other differences are noted in the individual report description below. If you select spreadsheet output, you are prompted to specify an output filename. In System Options, you can select whether the spreadsheet output should be generated as an Excel .xls/.xlsx file or as an XML-format spreadsheet. When specifying an output file name, you also have the option to create a text-only comma-delimited file (.csv). Output in Excel format requires that you have a licensed copy of Excel on your computer. The .xlsx output format is only available if you have Excel 2007 or later; if you do, EZLease remembers whether you last used the .xlsx or .xls file format. If you are creating Excel output, please do not use Excel for other purposes while a report is being created, as it can confuse Excel. |
Active as of date | Select the date as of which leases are active, and these will be the leases displayed in your report. Alternatively, you may check the box for "List leases active anytime". |
Include attachments | Check this box to display any picture attachments for each lease. This may create substantial additional output. This is ignored for spreadsheet output. |
Each lease on new page | Check this box to start each lease on a new page, rather than immediately following the prior lease on the same page. This is ignored for spreadsheet output. |
For more information, about report options, please see: Report Options
Special report options
For more information on Special Options, please see: Reporting - Special Options
Report output
Below is an example of the Preview/PDF version of the EZLease Listing report:
Below is an example of the Spreadsheet version of the EZLease Listing report:
The spreadsheet format of the listing report contains multiple tabs. The first tab, titled “Main,” contains all the information for the lease that only exists once per lease. After the ARO tab is “Rent,” which contains the regular rent steps. Following that is “Options", “Variable Lease Payments", “Notice Dates", "Impairment", then "Parameters".
You can put values from the Main tab into cells on the other tabs by using the following Excel formula: =VLOOKUP(A~row~,Main!A6:DQ~last~,~col~)
Replace ~row~ with the row number that you are on, ~last~ with the last row in tab Main, and ~col~ with the column number in Main that you want to display. (Check your spreadsheet for the last column used, represented by “DQ” here; the actual last column will vary depending on how many user-defined fields you are displaying and certain other variables.) For instance, to put the Description on row 6 of the Rent tab, you could put into cell M6 the formula: =LOOKUP(A6,Main!A6:DQ200,2).