When you create a report, you have several options regarding the type of report, leases to use, and output destination. Options grayed out cannot be changed because they are dependent on other options you have selected.
If you choose a Text format report, the report is displayed on your screen. You then have the option of printing any or all pages or exporting the report to a file in any of several formats.
Spreadsheet reports can be created in any of four formats: native Excel® .xls or .xlsx files, XML spreadsheet files, or .csv comma-delimited text files. Creating output in Excel files requires the presence of a licensed and properly installed copy of Excel (version 2000 or later) on your computer. XML and .csv output do not require any other software present, and can be read by Excel 2002 (also called Excel XP) or later, or a number of other spreadsheet programs, including OpenOffice Calc.