You can view a list of leases which match values, including wildcarded values, on all of the descriptive fields on the lease. Select Navigate menu, Matching Search, and the screen is cleared and the following fields are made available to enter data into:
- Lease number
- Description
- Begin date
- End date
- Lessor name, address, & vendor number
- Classification
- Asset class
- Financial group
- User-defined fields #1-#20
- User-defined dates #1 & #2 If you have the ARO module:
- ARO name
- ARO payment
- ARO begin date
- ARO end date
- ARO inflation rate
- ARO risk-free rate
You can select only a single item from a list or a single date, but for all other fields, you can enter wildcard values to match on variants. The following characters are treated as wildcards:
- % - match on any 0 or more characters
- _ (underscore) - match on any 1 character
- [xyz] - match on any of the characters listed (such as x, y, or z in this example)
- [x-z] - match on any of the characters listed in the range specified
- (abc,def,ghi) - match on any of the values given; this is a full-field match, not combinable with other wildcards in that field
So, for instance, you can enter:
- Atlanta% - field starts with “Atlanta”
- %Atlanta% - “Atlanta” anywhere in the field
- Atlanta0_1 - Matches Atlanta001, Atlanta011, Atlanta0a1,
- Atlanta00[1-5] - Matches Atlanta001, Atlanta002, Atlanta003, Atlanta004, Atlanta005
- (Albany001, Atlanta014, Boston009) - Any of these values
Aside from the parentheses match, wildcards can be combined: J_n% matches Jon, January, June, Jennifer, etc.
If you enter search items in several fields, all must match for a lease to be selected. Matches are not case- sensitive.
When the matching search list of leases displays, double-click on a lease to display it (the first lease in the list is automatically displayed). The matching list remains visible until you close it either by clicking its red X box, or by unlocking the lease to make changes, moving to another lease using the navigation buttons, or creating a report. You can thus look at multiple leases that match your criteria without having to re-enter the criteria each time.