When you enter or modify a lease, a screen showing all input information about the lease is displayed. When modifying a lease, you can click your mouse cursor on the field you wish to change to move directly there.
You move from one field to the next by pressing Tab. If you need to back up a field, press Shift+Tab. If you want to just change a character or two in a field that has already been filled in, click on the desired point or use the arrow keys within the field until the cursor is on the character you want to change, then type over it and press Tab. When you are done modifying a lease, click on Save Lease. To discard all changes, choose Cancel Changes.
Some information on the screen is automatically calculated and displayed (lease term, annual land rent for a land & building lease, implicit interest rate, discount rate for system-classified leases).
All interest rates are entered as percentages, not as decimals. Thus, enter 10% as 10, not as .10, for a discount rate, incremental borrowing rate, or the like.
Dollar values may not have more than two decimal places (i.e., whole pennies, not fractions). An entry of a fraction of a cent is rounded, and the rounded value is stored, without displaying an error. EZLease honors your system’s currency settings if your Control Panel Regional setting indicates a different number of decimals for currency (such as zero decimals for users of the Japanese yen).