Optional; found on the Additional Data tab.
For lessor accounting only. In some cases, a lease agreement includes a guarantee of the residual value from an unrelated third party. In such a situation, while the lessee ignores the guarantee for accounting purposes, the lessor includes the third party guarantee in the receivable.
For ASC 842, the third party guarantee is treated differently from a guarantee from the lessee for classifying the lease. The third party guarantee is not included in the calculation of the present value of the rent plus residual guarantees for purposes of determining if the lease is a sales-type lease. If the lease does not meet any of the tests in 842-10-25-2 to be classified as a sales-type lease, but if including the third party guarantee would cause the present value test to be met, the lease is classified as a direct financing lease. (If the present value test is still not met, the lease is classified as operating.) Once this determination is made, however, the third party guarantee is treated the same as a lessee’s guarantee for the lessor’s accounting.